Then select Ignition, Contamination and Searing Daggers. The best way to start this Build is by picking the Wizard Class and removing the point from Constitution and putting it into Wits. All of these things make this Build extremely efficient, and it just gets more devastating later on in the game. On top of that, the AoE radius is quite large, these 2 Skills both ignore friendly targets, and they both only cost 1 AP each. You can use Skills like Ignition and Contamination at the very beginning in order to deal significant Magic Damage to enemies around you. Because of the Torturer change, this Build becomes extremely effective, especially in the earlier parts of the game. With the Scourge Wizard Build we utilize this mechanic to its fullest.

Being able to apply these immediately means that you can strip the Magic Armour of enemies rapidly, allowing them to be killed more quickly.

One of the biggest ones was to the Torturer Talentwhich now allows for certain Status Effects to be applied on top of Armour.